Our team has more than 100 years of property experience. Let us be of service to you!
Chief Operating Officer
Celeste Slater
Celeste Slater is the Chief Operating Officer at Lumina Compliance and oversees all of the company’s asset management and regulatory compliance business. She has been involved in multifamily housing since 1997 and in the affordable housing business since 2000. She has immense knowledge and experience in numerous affordable housing programs such as Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), HUD, Rural Development (RD), HOME, Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE), Housing Trust Fund (HTF), etc. She has several affordable housing certifications, including the Specialist in Housing Credit Management (SHCM) , the Certified Occupancy Specialist - Public Housing (COSP), and the Housing Credit Compliance Professional (HCCP) designations. She has also spoken at conferences around the nation, publicly trained, and been included in industry boards to help further affordable housing programs. Throughout her lengthy career she has worked with and formed strong partnerships with owners, investors, managers, auditors, and housing authorities across the nation. Affordable housing is important to her.
When she is not at work, you can find her and her husband of 20+ years spending time with their three adult children and their grandchild, traveling, or cheering on their Miami Hurricanes football team. She also enjoys all things crafting and jigsaw puzzles.