Lumina Compliance archived webinars.
Previous Webinars
HUD 101: Accessibility, Compliance, HUD, and Your Property
On this webinar, viewers will learn what the most common areas of non-compliance are at HUD properties, what the current accessibility regulations are at HUD properties, and why your property needs to be proactive and have accessibility plans. Lumina Partners CEO Greg Proctor and Lumina Compliance Vice President Andy Reithel join us on this webinar.
Tax Credits: Yes, Your Property Needs to be Accessible
Yes, Tax Credit properties need to be in compliance with ADA, Fair Housing and Section 504. Lumina Compliance Founder Greg Proctor presents this 30-minute webinar. We will focus on Accessibility Plans and issues facing Tax Credit properties when it comes to these regulations.
Rural Development 101: Accessibility, Compliance & Your Property
Did you know that USDA Rural Development requires brand new Evaluation and Transition Plans every three years? Lumina Compliance Founder Greg Proctor leads us in a discussion about some of the basics and not-so-basics that need to be in compliance at your Rural Development properties when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair Housing Act.
Lumina Compliance Makes Property Management Easier
We know the ADA, Section 504, and the Fair Housing Act inside and out. We can help your property.
Asset Management Inspections
We work with banks, owners, managers and others to deliver a customized, tailor-fit inspection.
Capital Needs
We will inspect your property and put together a plan to help maintain your property for years to come.
We provide subscription certification reviews and first year certification reviews, making sure you are in compliance.