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HUD 101: Accessibility, Compliance, HUD, and Your Property Webinar
Part of the Lumina Compliance Lunch & Learn Webinar Series. On this webinar, viewers will learn what the most common areas of non-compliance are at HUD properties, what the current accessibility regulations are at HUD properties, and why your property needs to be proactive and have accessibility plans. Lumina Partners CEO Greg Proctor and Lumina Compliance Vice President Andy Reithel join us on this webinar.
Lumina Compliance Presenting Free Webinar Series on ADA/Section 504/Fair Housing Compliance
Greg Proctor, affordable housing veteran and founder of Lumina Compliance, will present the Lunch and Learn webinar series in September, October and November. The next webinar is scheduled for Sept. 12 at 12 p.m. EST and will cover Accessibility Plans and Tax Credit Properties. The webinar series is free and is open to owners, investors, agents, and other multifamily housing professionals.
Tax Credit Properties and Accessibility Plans
Yes, Tax Credit properties need to be in compliance with ADA, Fair Housing and Section 504. This webinar will focus in on Accessibility Plans and issues facing Tax Credit properties when it comes to ADA, Fair Housing, and Section 504 compliance.