The Lumina Compliance blog is here to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening in the industry. Read below.
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Understanding the USDA Rural Development’s Three-Year Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Requirement
USDA Rural Development (RD) requires property owners receiving federal funding to conduct self-evaluations and create transition plans every three years to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities. This is part of the broader effort to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Turkey, Your Kitchen, and ADA: Happy Thanksgiving!
Lumina Compliance wishes you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Let’s talk turkey, cranberry sauce, property loss, and ADA-compliant kitchens this Thanksgiving.
Philadelphia’s Office for People with Disabilities is here to stay
On Election Day 2023, November 7, Philadelphia voters had to decide whether or not to make The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities permanent or not. Nearly 86% of voters said yes to making this office a permanent part of the city’s charter.
Indiana opens its largest, most accessible playground
The Possibility Playground is Indiana’s largest, most accessible playground that is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is also the largest inclusive playground in the country.
HUD 101: Accessibility, Compliance, HUD, and Your Property Webinar
Part of the Lumina Compliance Lunch & Learn Webinar Series. On this webinar, viewers will learn what the most common areas of non-compliance are at HUD properties, what the current accessibility regulations are at HUD properties, and why your property needs to be proactive and have accessibility plans. Lumina Partners CEO Greg Proctor and Lumina Compliance Vice President Andy Reithel join us on this webinar.
Achieving Compliance and Understanding Federal Accessibility Laws for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties
In the realm of low-income housing tax credit properties, it is crucial to comprehend the various federal accessibility laws that govern them. With regulations that vary depending on factors such as the property's construction date and federal subsidy, it is easy to encounter confusion. In this blog post, we will explore the key laws that apply to these properties, including the Fair Housing Act of 1968, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504.
Explaining ADA, Fair Housing, and Section 504 Regulations
According to HUD, “most entities are subject to more than one federal accessibility law and architectural standard in the operation of their housing services, programs, and activities.” Lumina Compliance explains Accessibility laws and talks about why a Physical Accessibility Inspection might be beneficial to multifamily properties.
Out-of-State ADA Lawsuits on the Rise Across the Country: One Example
In October 2022, the Journal & Courier newspaper in Lafayette, Indiana, reported on lawsuits involving properties in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. These properties had ADA lawsuits brought against them by a law firm in Richardson, Texas. There are 887 miles between Tippecanoe County and Richardson, Texas.
What You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Property More Accessible
We all know that our properties need to be in compliance with ADA, Section 504 and Fair Housing. Here are five things you can do right now to get started on the road toward compliance.